Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Haven't been able to blog regularly... because I'm busy. Been sleeping at around 11++ everyday for 1 week straight, which is something I don't normally do.

Many things happened during these past few days that I didn't blog, things that taught me lessons.

I felt angry about things. I was pissed. Pissed about somethings things that people say. But God made me understand that everytime I feel angry about something, it is yet another time that I learn to forgive. Sometimes you just have to take things in your stride, and get on with life. I can't afford to be pissed forever. Not sure why but I felt angry at alot of things this week. Phew.

Sometimes you don't know a person until you need help from him. A few days ago, I needed my comprehension paper from class, but it was already 4pm and the classes were locked. Just when I thought I was done for, I saw Song Jun. I needed a copy of the compre paper so I approached him, thinking that although there was not much hope, I had to try. Instead of saying he's busy or blahblah, he offered to follow me to the library to photocopy the paper, and use his photocopy card. Was abit shocked at his willingnes to help me.

It may not seem much, but not everyone would have responded the way he did. He was on his way home, and it was late. He could have tried to talk me out of getting his paper to photocopy, since he would have to wait for me. Yet he did the opposite of what I expected of him.

I thought to myself: Actually, he's not so lazy and unhelpful as he seems.

Many people make fun of him, insult him and his lame jokes, but I don't think many realise that he's actually a much better friend than many of us claim to be. I imagined some other people in the same situation as Song Jun, any I don't think many would have done the same thing.

Ask yourself, are you willing to go out of your way, and your convinience, to help whom you consider as your friend?


... said...

nice post. wo dui ta ling yan xiang kan.

KKKKong said...

erp.. songjun is nvr lazy.. in fact, his quite hardworking. dunno why hes like to be lame in class. after class hes usually not that bad.