Thursday, February 17, 2005

I am really pissed right now. Nothing seems to be going right for me now.

The browser just wiped out a long post that I had been writing. Funny how it seems that when you have nothing to blog about, everything is alright. But when start to think deeper, and write anything that actually means something to you, it just vanishes in a blink...

Heard alot of stuff regarding leadership today. What it requires, what it demands from an individual when he's a leader. I was rather overwhelmed, for lack of a better word, as it just dawned upon me that being a leader is totally different from effective leadership. I realise that its not that easy being an effective leader, to be able to coordinate the actions of people who are thinking on totally frequencies, much less get anything done as a group.

Sometimes I find myself being the more task-oriented amongst my peers. I feel that I like to settle down on an issue, quickly decide everything, and just get on with it. I don't like to focus on the nitty gritty details and dilly-dally all day. That is why I may seem to appear as being kan cheong when it comes to getting stuff done.

I tried to sit back, just relax, and let other people hassle over the decision making, and I'll just follow. But then I'll worry whether anything will even materialise. I don't even think I'm leadership material, and yet I want to get things done. And then I get pissed when too much time is spent on decision making.Its this dilemma I often face, and I have trouble expressing it to anyone.

Just need to let it off somehow.

Lord. Let me have peace. Shalom.

Now Listening to: A Rush of Blood to the Head
By: Coldplay


KKKKong said...

i have that sort of feelin sometimes.. especially in group work..

Anonymous said...

sometimes you just cannot help it... anyway thanks for caring