Sigh. I really dont know what to say. Im really getting sick of this war of words.
Anyway, If i tried to insult other religions I had done so as a joke, and I apologise if it offended anyone, since nobody said anything, I thought it was fine with you guys.
I'm really tired of being pissed, angry and filled with unhappiness, because of this.
Maybe you will start to "niao" me again when I write this, but I still have to do it:
God is saying that it is in our own best interest to forgive! He is not talking about what is in the best interest of the person who needs to be forgiven.
We are the ones who God is trying to protect. We are the ones who receive the most benefit from forgiveness, not the other person.
A spirit of unforgiveness complicates and compromises our daily walk with God. Forgiving others releases us from anger and allows us to receive the healing we need. The whole reason God has given us specific direction is because He does not want anything to stand between us and Him. God's love for us is beyond our comprehension.
Forgiving others spares us from the consequences of living out of an unforgiving heart. "
So, I am trying my best to forgive those who offended me, not that anyone is begging me.
I forgive because I dont want to compromise my relationship with my god. I hope you understand that and not misinterpret it as me wanting act high and mighty or what.
You're probably thinking that you've won the "war".
Maybe you're right, but what does that really mean?
Your right in some ways, maybe I really shouldn't care so much about others.
God Bless.