Monday, September 13, 2004


Hmm... today I just realised that I spend 1/7 of my life on Sundays. Incidentally I also spend 1/7 of my life suffering from monday blues -_-"

Anyway, lessons today were kinda normally, with the execption of double maths. Good/bad news: Ms Wong has left her position as our maths teacher, and was replaced today by a Mr Tieu. Friendly face, with neat grey hair, and always with a smile during the 1 hr 20 min. Somehow he has that charisma in him that seems to capture our attention(except Choobc and company). I think it is important that the teacher enjoys what he does; that he actually wants to do it. And when the students see that attitude, they will give him the respect. No matter how the joke about him, there is still a certain level of respect for his enthusiasm, from me at the least.

Somehow you just cant see the love for teaching from Wongsm, the way she did it it was just for the money and nothing else. Enough about that.

Recently I have been really bored and started to make use of blogger's NavBar. Brought me some interesting finds. I found some nice sites like scruffyyami's blog. Since the button brings you to a random blog, I also found some blogs that wErE tOtAlLy UnReAdAbLe.

Please have some thought for your readers? At least show some respect to your readers by writing in legible english. Don't they deserve your effort to at least write in a way that other people don't need to guess the meaning of every shortform and abbrieviation? Imagine having to read this: "derh oni guy hu can gib euu happiness ish derh guy hu hurt euu derh most."

Well it is obviously not in my position to dictate how one blogs.

But please, spare some thought for the eyes.

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