Somewhat incoherent thoughts, but just wanted to write it down.
Just went to read my sister's blog, realised that indeed she has grown over the past few years, and has really become someone who loves God, though her tambourine experience and her exam period. I think it's really by God's grace that I am able to see many changes in the people around me, as well as in myself.
I remember in the past when we first came up to youth, it was like an "ai mai ai mai" kind of thing. We didn't really feel that "zeal" that was found in loving and serving God, at least for me, that is. We didn't attend cell on a regular basis. To be honest, it was pathetic. But I think something that really strikes me is that when I look at us now, we are miles away from the past. Probably because we have matured over the years, and I see a renewed faith and zest in the Lord's work amongst the guys. Most of us are now actively serving the church without being compelled to, but because we want to. It's amazing, really. Because the change from a few years back till now has been phenomenal. Recently, my mentor also shared with us how we were like in the past. Makes me wanna thank God for how we have progressed.
God really helped us through our mentor who put alot of faith in us, and I think its something I won't forget.
That's what our youth is all about.
That's what renewal is all about.
Now Listening to: Sunday Morning
By: Maroon 5
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