Monday, May 02, 2005


I've been thinking... of where I will be ten years from now. Seems to me that I have no idea where I want to go from JC. What to study. What to prepare myself to work as.

Sciences? Blank. Humanities? Blank. Haven't made up my mind on anything at all.

However, today at Sentosa, I had a good talk with huiyi, huilin's elder sister, about studies... and then about ambitions. I said I have no interests in sciences and humanities, since my results in them are at best average.

Learnt from her that one shouldn't let his grades dictate what he does, what matters most is what he really wants. She mentioned Joshua, who quit his job after two years to teach drumming full-time, as he really hated the first job. So what if the income may not be steady? As long as he loves it, and is doing something the God is pleased with, God will provide for him.

I have that same feeling. I feel that I wanna study music. If my disappointment when I heard that I cannot study music next year in JC is any indication, I think it is clear that my passion lies in music. After the chat with huiyi and Joshua, I am all the more inclined to really give it a try. The only obstacle would be the need to sustain a livelihood of my family, since financial security may be an issue.

Its funny how when it was the first time I really sat down and talked to them, and yet I learnt so many things from them just from their life stories. yep.

Next stop, Berkley School of Music? I don't know. Really.

Will seek an answer.

"When you have passion in your job, you don't have to work anymore." - huiyi

Now Listening to: Smile like you mean it
By: The killers

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