Wednesday, September 08, 2004

What a day.

A very long day indeed.

Chemistry lesson
I am starting to find that enthusiasm during chemistry lesson that once fueled me during P6. I find that being attentive during lesson has really brought me the satisfaction of being able to solve the problems. Maybe because with Ooi Zhexi and Sng Tiap Yang beside me I have some competition as well as some negative examples to motivate me(not to insult but really what... u oso didnt do the ws... peace). I shall carry on with this. Jia you!

Training at judo school
Met up with the ChS people at Toa Payoh, and walked to the judo school. I have really lost my stamina and strength. Partly due to my illness a few weeks ago; I have really weakened during my sickness. I lost 5 kg and my immune system has been weak since. Ever since my illness I find the need to have afternoon naps to regain my energy or else I will not be able to take it. This has never been the case prior to the infection.

Anyway, I felt dizzy during training. Never before have I felt that during gi training. Only during pt. Shows that my body is weak. Was already panting after nagekomi. Had a few good throws. Need to work on my aggressiveness as my arm power. It is just not enough to apply o-sotogari.

These few days I have really realised the power of faith and in God. It has been the source of my strength during the past few days that have been rather turbulent in terms of my relationships with my peers. To be honest, for the past few days i had quarrels with velden, I was pissed with yeong keong. Besides that, I felt really empty and lonely. I realised that my relationships with 3K people have been rather superficial and empty. Couldn't find anyone who will spend time to talk to me. Had to try to mix myself into the cliques in the class. Theres the 2J clique(Yijia, shupeng and blah blah) the 2I clique(Yongjing, Kenneb, Kai keat) and the 2k clique(all the rest).

Didn't really work. I tried to find some real friends when I didn't chat with my judo friends. Didn't really work. Thats where one thing struck my mind: the most important relationship is the one that is between me and God. I just trusted in him to bring me out of this "semi-depression", and find some light in my lonely existence. And Im proud to say that he has helped me though.

Thats all. May the lord smile upon you.

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